Donor-Advised Fund

2020-2022 Report

Dear Donors,

Three years ago we embarked on a journey with the goal of creating real strategic change in the Israeli philanthropic field. Our goal was simple: To increase the volume of assets donated to charitable causes in Israel, allowing more people to efficiently and easily give back to society. 

In our early days we faced many challenges, including a pandemic, but despite them all, we were able to obtain approval from the Israel Tax Authority in May 2020 to begin working. We assembled a unique team of professionals, and built an advanced system in line with the world’s highest standards. We incorporated state of the art technology, customized to the specific needs of donors in Israel. Along the way, we met you, the donors, and did all we could in order to make the donation process as easy and efficient as possible. Together we are building a future of a more rewarding and powerful philanthropic community. 

The results are undeniable. Thanks to over 105 families, companies and individuals who chose Keshet as their home for giving, we have accomplished some great things, which we are pleased to share in this report. 

We wish to thank each and every one of you for choosing a path of giving. Israeli society is already better thanks to you. 

Here’s to many more years of meaningful work together! 

Maya Liquornik


Maya Natan


Empowering Israeli Philanthropy

*As of December 2022

Our Mission

Building a stronger society in Israel through simple, precise and smart philanthropy

In the past decades, Israel has seen serious growth in the field of philanthropy, with the volume of donations consistently on the rise thanks to the growing number of high-net-worth individuals and their unrelenting desire to give back to Israeli society.

However, unlike other more philanthropically inclined countries in which there are various giving structures in place providing attractive tax incentives, Israeli philanthropists face numerous cultural, legislative, regulatory and structural barriers that limit their capability to effectively create impact via philanthropy. 

Keshet was founded with one main goal – to eliminate and minimize the barriers limiting philanthropy in Israel, allowing more people to give back to society through the globally recognized charitable tool – the donor-advised fund.

Keshet’s mission is to broaden the philanthropic community in Israel, enabling more donors to increase the scope and impact of their giving while enjoying the many benefits of an organized and efficient philanthropic system.

Keshet’s formation is a major step forward for Israel’s philanthropic community. I believe its impact on Israeli society will be massive. The ability to have control over the timing of the donation, the variety of assets that can be donated, and the management of the funds in Israel’s leading investment houses – will all likely motivate an increase in charitable giving, and will help create a more engaged and active philanthropic community.

​Maya Liquornik, Keshet Chair

Our Services

As Keshet grew we developed a variety of services, tailor-made to the needs of our donor community.

Personal Giving Fund | Corporate Fund | Family Foundation |
Next Generation Fund | Giving Group | Legacy Fund | Endowment: For Large Social Organizations | Fiscal Sponsorship: For Family Foundations

For many years I have held a DAF account in the US. Initiating Keshet was a dream come true for me and my family and a significant asset in the philanthropic field in Israel.

 Scott Tobin, Keshet Board Member​

Keshet’s Donor Portal

In our vision to revolutionize philanthropy in Israel, we realized that the use of cutting-edge technology can be a game-changer for efficient management of giving in the digital age. Early on, we invested in developing an innovative digital platform for donors to easily manage their charitable assets. 

Innovative platform allowing donors to explore all 47K registered non-profits in Israel.

Online database enabling donors to safely review their cause of choice.

Fully functional mobile app empowering the next generation of Israeli philanthropists to give naturally.

Personalized dashboard with a comprehensive account overview, allowing donors to manage their assets anywhere, anytime.


Keshet offers personal strategic planning for donors, assisting them in developing a more meaningful approach to giving. We lead individuals, families and giving groups from the early stages of determining which areas they are passionate about to launching a robust multi-year plan in order to maximize the real world impact of their donations.

Operational Support for
International Foundation

Keshet is proud to work with several leading foundations in the Jewish world, providing support for operational challenges when working from overseas with Israeli organizations. We developed services that are tailored to the needs of each foundation, providing the interface, communications and on the ground support needed to enable greater impact on Israeli organizations. 

Our Giving Community

Let’s take a closer look at this growing community of giving, the ways its members choose to give back to society, and the real world impact their donations help create. 

In the short time since Keshet took its first steps in the Israeli financial scene, an incredible ecosystem of giving has formed around it. The response from both individuals and organizations has been astounding, and it is clear there is so much more to be done in empowering new players to find better ways of giving back to Israeli society. 

Keshet’s giving community currently includes 105 accounts, managed by more than 250 people, who are all taking a crucial part in the donation process and the selection of the causes they choose to support.

Keshet’s unique model enables donors from a variety of backgrounds to carve out their own path to giving.

Many of them are taking their first steps in the world of philanthropy, while others are maximizing their  already existing charitable giving.

Keshet’s unique model enables donors from a variety of backgrounds to carve out their own path to giving.

Many of them are taking their first steps in the world of philanthropy, while others are maximizing their  already existing charitable giving.

Keshet’s youngest donor is only 28 years old!

Donating Differently:
Much More than Cash

Our system allows donors to give a wide variety of personal assets, thus enabling larger donations and significant impact. 

Donating Differently:
Much More than Cash

Our system allows donors to give a wide variety of personal assets, thus enabling larger donations and significant impact. 

41% of donations were appreciated stocks! 

Building the Future of Philanthropy

Keshet is dedicated to building a strong philanthropic community that will have a long-lasting impact on Israeli life. Our donors may create Long-Term Giving Funds, with better growth strategies and high impact opportunities.

Donated assets are managed in Israel’s best investment houses, through Keshet, allowing donor funds to yield tax-free income over time and thus maximize available philanthropic assets.

Almost 30% of donors choose a long-term giving fund

The average Keshet fund holds about 2 million NIS

Fields of Giving

Keshet’s innovative system allows donors to discover non-profit organizations working in a wide range of fields, enabling them to find the exact cause they wish to impact.

Fields of Giving

Keshet’s innovative system allows donors to discover non-profit organizations working in a wide range of fields, enabling them to find the exact cause they wish to impact.

Over 65% of grants are directed towards organizations whose
main areas of activity are education, social services, or health.

The largest grant given so far: 2 million NIS!

Our Donors are our Best Ambassadors

Please meet just a few of them!

יש לנו אחריות חברתית לייצר תרבות של נתינה בישראל, ואנחנו חושבים שאפשר – ואף רצוי – להכנס לנתיב של נתינה בכל גיל ובכל סכום, ולא לחכות. הנתינה באמצעות קשת מאפשרת לנו להתפנות לנתינה בטהרתה, ללא התלבטויות מסביב.

Alon & Smadar Arvatz

Keshet is an important and innovative platform which, for the first time, offers my family and I a way to build our family fund in Israel and better plan our giving.

Alan Feld, Vintage Investments Partners

40% of new donors discovered Keshet through existing donors!

כשהתחלתי לתרום לארגונים חברתיים בישראל, היה לי חשוב לעשות את זה נכון וללא לחץ. המנגנון הפיננסי של קשת פתח עבורי דלת לנתינה מושכלת ומסודרת, ובעיתוי הנכון עבורי.

Orit Walker, BEYOND Family Office

זה הרבה יותר קרוס גילאי ודורי מסקטוריאלי. אנחנו רוצים להיות אפקטיביים בנתינה שלנו. לבחור ביזמים החברתיים הנכונים ולעזור להם לצמוח, ולמצוא את הערוצים הכי אפקטיביים לנתינה.

קשת חדשנית במובן הזה. היא מאפשרת לכל אחד שיכול לתת, לעשות זאת בצורה תפעולית עם הכי פחות “כאבי ראש” ומצד שני למקסם את הנתינה דרך אפקטיביות מיסויית.

Assaf Harlap. Colmobil Corp.

40% of our donors already made a second donation to their Keshet giving fund!

מהרגע שפתחנו חשבון בקשת הנתינה שלנו הפכה רגועה יותר. הקצינו משאבים לטובת תרומה לחברה ועכשיו יש לנו זמן להתייעץ, להתלבט ולקבל החלטות בנחת לאילו ארגונים לתרום. הצוות המקצועי בקשת מסייע ותומך.

Meir & Abbi Adest, Matar Fund

בעולם מורכב, עמוס בתכנים ולא פשוט לפיצוח, צריך לעשות תהליך למידה. כשיש גוף כמו קשת שמלווה, מכוון ומסייע – זו מקפצה משמעותית. עבורי זו הדרך.

Daniel Cohen, Viola Ventures

When you start to give you need a partner, as you soon discover there are hundreds of nonprofits out there, and it’s not clear at all, where to start and how to do it.

Barak Rabinowitz, F2 Venture Capital

I believe that Keshet and DAFs are at the forefront of the future of philanthropic giving and are positioned to move the needle on major issues that impact Israel society.

Elie Wurtman, Pico Ventures

Partners, Supporters and Leadership

Would like to thank Keshet’s supporters and partners who supported our vision of a better and stronger philanthropic community and became our allies from the very beginning.

Supporting Foundations

Ecosystem Partners

Leadership & Team

Board of Directors

Chair – Maya Liquornik, Adv.
Tali Yaron-Eldar, Adv.
Yarom Ariav
Lital Slavin
Prof. Neta Ziv
Rani Haj-Yahia, Adv. 
Scott Tobin
Amir Halevy, Adv. 
Philippe J. Weil

Investment Committee

Chair – Dror Nagel
Dorit Salingar
Alon Gafner

Audit Committee

Chair – Prof. Yair Orgler
Prof. Shlomith Zuta
Dr. Yuval Dror

Advisory Committee

Elah Alkalay
Hillel Moskovits
Ifat Ginsburg, Adv.
Philip Stein, CPA
Haim Dvir, CPA

Legal Services

Ophir Katz, Adv.



Maya Natan, CEO

Eliana Albaranes, CFO

Arik Zamir, COO, CIO

Jennifer Garr, Director of Grants

Noa Mutai-Halaf, Director of Marketing

Sapir Navaro, Associate-Finance

Shira Varsano, Associate-Grants 

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